Membership Policies
YMCA Commitment to Service
The YMCA strives for excellence is all its services and programs and wants everyone to feel welcome and enjoy their YMCA experience. We believe in creating an environment that promotes healthy lifestyles and ethical behavior.
Core Values
YMCA Core Values guide our everyday decisions and actions. We challenge everyone involved with us to accept and demonstrate positive values.
Our Core Values are
Caring, Honesty, Respect, Responsibility and Inclusiveness
Member Etiquette
The YMCA is a shared experience for everyone to enjoy. Each of us can make it better for all by being considerate of others. YMCA members, volunteers and staff all pledge to treat one another with respect and dignity and to use our facility in a responsible manner.
Membership Cards
All YMCA members are required to carry their membership cards with them in the facility and to gain access into the change rooms. Carrying your membership card helps us in case of emergencies and using it to access change rooms helps maintain building security and the safety of members and their possessions.
Unlimited Guest Passes
Each membership will receive guest passes. These passes are provided to introduce potential members to our YMCA. Guests must be accompanied by a member and must provide photo ID.
Membership Cancellation Policy
The YMCA of Central East Ontario offers flexible membership options. No contracts are required. If you wish to cancel your membership, we require 10 days written notice prior to your next payment.
Program Cancellation Policy
All program cancellation requests must be made in person 7 days prior to the program start date. Refunds or credits are not offered after a program starts unless accompanied by a medical certificate. Refunds are subject to a $10.00 administration fee. No refunds or credit for make up classes will be offered due to unforeseen circumstances (ie: power outage).
Membership Hold Policy
Memberships can be placed on hold at any time for a maximum of three months per calendar year. If you wish to place your membership on hold, we require 10 days written notice prior to your next payment.
Change Room Access Policies
The Universal change room is designed to accommodate all genders and can be used by parents with children, or individuals who require assistance due to special circumstances. A parent/guardian must accompany their child at all times. Common areas of the universal change room are clothing-mandatory, and bathing suits have to be worn during showers. Private change stalls are available.
The Male and Female change rooms accommodate all ages. Children under the age of 10 years must be accompanied by a parent. Parents with opposite gender children are required to use the Universal change room.
The Membership Plus change rooms are only to be used by individuals who are 18+ years and possess a Plus membership.