Summer Licensed Child Care

Register now for our YMCA licensed Kindergarten summer program for 4 & 5 year olds. We will be operating Monday- Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm for July- August. We offer a play based Curriculum provided by qualified Early Childhood Educators.

Our programs provide fun, rich learning environments for children to maximize their development and curiosity. For information on registration please contact [email protected]

Balsillie Family Branch – Peterborough

YMCA Licensed Child Care
Child Care Parent Handbook

Child Care/Kids Club Registration Form


To add your child(ren) to the waitlist, please click here. When space becomes available we will contact the next family from the waitlist and proceed with registration.

Peterborough & Lakefield

The YMCA of Central East Ontario operates licensed childcare (licensed by the Ministry of Education) programs for families in Peterborough and Lakefield for infants (Lakefield), toddlers and preschoolers on a full time or part time basis (minimum of two days per week).

The philosophy of our licensed centres is to stimulate each child’s interest in the world around them by satisfying their need to discover, explore and socialize. This is done through our “Playing to Learn” curriculum, which provides an understanding of how play provides the foundation for learning. Play is the primary way all children learn and it is essential for healthy social and cognitive development.

The qualified staff at the centres provide the best possible care in a warm, loving environment. Our goal is to allow each child participating in our programs to grow in confidence and self-esteem, as well as to promote and encourage each child’s creative expression and social and cognitive development.

The YMCA of Central East Ontario has licensed Child Care facilities in Peterborough and Lakefield. Normal Child Care hours in Peterborough are 7:30am to 6:00pm, and in Lakefield 7:00am to 6:00pm. Financial assistance is available through the City of Peterborough Children’s Services.

We offer care for school age children that includes full day care, before and after school programs at Highland Heights in Peterborough, and in two schools in Lakefield (Lakefield District Public School and St. Paul’s Elementary in Lakefield).

Our Curriculum – “Playing to Learn”

Playing to Learn is an interactive curriculum that reflects true play as the way a child learns, manipulates their environment, and fosters continued enthusiasm to learn through a choice based approach. The cornerstone for this childcare curriculum is children’s PLAY which is understood to be essential to the healthy social and cognitive development of all children. YMCA Playing to Learn provides the means for early educators to protect your child’s need to play, ensuring a sound base for healthy development and future academic success. The curriculum provides the foundations for language and literacy, mathematics, science and technology and the arts. Throughout the day your child will play to experience, explore and understand the world around them by listening to stories, building with blocks, classifying and sequencing, creating pictures or music, experimenting and theorizing and entering into make believe play in a natural and living environment. True play is the way your child will learn.

For more information, please download the YMCA Playing to Learn brochure.

For more information, contact the centre supervisors:
Peterborough: (705) 748-9642 ext 224 Crystal Read
Lakefield: (705) 652-7782 Lisa Barcroft

Licensed Child Care

Toddlers: Our Toddler program cares for children ages 18 months (Ministry approval for 12-17 month old and space in program) to 30 months. Our room fosters exploration and discovery. Toddlers learn by exploring their environment while establishing trusting and caring relationships with the educators in the room. Learning by doing, challenging their senses and concurring going physical, social and cognitive skills each child will grow to their fullest potential. We like to walk the neighbourhood to explore and sometimes bring back interesting finds to share with the other children in the program. Our educators strive to strengthen each child’s skills to build on their social and emotional needs. Building strong relationships, feelings of security and having lots of fun leads to happy, secure and confident children.

Preschool: Our preschool program care for children 2.5 – 5 years of age. Educators in the program provide a stimulating, creative and challenging environment based on the observation and the interest of the children. Many times the preschool group are off on adventures looking for bugs, walking to Home Depot for supplies they need to create something, heading out for a neighbourhood walk to see the birds building their new nest in the spring or having a picnic across the street to watch the construction work going on. Afternoon tea, playing princess, building a race car track, molding cakes, cookies and/or spaghetti with the play dough are some of the natural play experiences that each child engages themselves in. Educators support experiences by being “Play Partners” and promote each child’s development to be confident learners in anything that they may do.